DIY Facial Gua Sha Technique at home (without the traditional tools)

Facial Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese technique that has gained popularity in recent years for its ability to promote circulation, reduce tension in facial muscles, and enhance overall skin health. While specialized tools are commonly used for Gua Sha, it's also possible to practice this technique at home with simple household items. In this blog post, we'll explore how you can perform Facial Gua Sha at home without the correct tools, along with the benefits it offers for your skincare routine.

Benefits of Facial Gua Sha

Improved Circulation

Facial Gua Sha helps stimulate blood flow to the skin, delivering oxygen and essential nutrients to skin cells. Improved circulation promotes a healthy, radiant complexion and supports the skin's natural renewal process, which can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles associated with aging.

Lymphatic Drainage

Gua Sha massage techniques help stimulate the lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing toxins and waste products from the body. By promoting lymphatic drainage, Facial Gua Sha reduces puffiness and inflammation in the skin, leading to a more sculpted appearance and a reduction in the appearance of dark circles and pigmentation issues.

Tension Relief

Facial Gua Sha techniques involve gentle massage and manipulation of facial muscles, which helps reduce tension and tightness in the face. Relaxing facial muscles can soften expression lines and wrinkles, contributing to a more youthful and relaxed appearance over time.

Stimulated Collagen Production

The gentle pressure applied during Facial Gua Sha massage can stimulate collagen production in the skin. Collagen is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness, and its production naturally declines with age. By promoting collagen synthesis, Gua Sha can help improve skin tone and texture, reducing the appearance of pigmentation issues such as age spots and sun damage.

Enhanced Product Absorption

Performing Facial Gua Sha massage before applying skincare products can help improve their absorption into the skin. The gentle pressure and increased circulation from Gua Sha techniques create a more receptive environment for skincare ingredients, allowing them to penetrate deeper into the skin and maximize their effectiveness in targeting pigmentation concerns and other signs of aging.

Promotion of Skin Healing

Facial Gua Sha stimulates microcirculation in the skin, which can accelerate the healing process of damaged or hyperpigmented areas. By promoting skin cell turnover and renewal, Gua Sha can help fade dark spots and pigmentation issues over time, revealing a brighter and more even complexion.

Performing Facial Gua Sha at Home:


Start by cleansing your face with the Rosemary Cleanser and/or Rosehip Cream Cleanser to remove any makeup, dirt, or impurities. Follow up with your regular skincare routine (Exfoliate, Mask, Soap and then apply the Rosehip Tissue Oil or the Liquorice Butter to provide slip for the Gua Sha technique.

Choose a Suitable Tool

While traditional Gua Sha tools are made of jade or rose quartz, you can improvise with items found at home, such as a spoon, smooth stone or thumb / fingers. Choose a tool with a flat, smooth surface that can glide easily across your skin. 

Spoon: A smooth stainless steel or ceramic spoon with a rounded edge can be used to mimic the shape and function of a traditional Gua Sha tool.

Smooth Stone: Look for a smooth, rounded stone or pebble with a flat surface that fits comfortably in your hand.

Thumb or Fingers: Your own thumb or fingers can be used to apply gentle pressure and massage the skin, focusing on areas of tension and tightness.



Begin by applying gentle pressure to the tool and place it at the center of your forehead. Using light, upward strokes, gently glide the tool across your forehead towards your hairline. Repeat this motion several times, covering the entire forehead area.

Eye Area

Move to the area around your eyes, starting from the inner corner and moving outwards towards your temples. Be gentle and use light pressure to avoid causing any discomfort or irritation to the delicate skin around the eyes.

Cheeks and Jawline

Continue the Gua Sha technique on your cheeks and jawline, using upward and outward strokes to promote lymphatic drainage and reduce tension in the facial muscles. Focus on areas of tension or tightness, adjusting the pressure as needed.

Neck and Chin

Finish by gently gliding the tool along your neck and jawline, promoting circulation and reducing puffiness. Use upward strokes towards your chin to sculpt and define the jawline.

Cleanse Tool

After each use, clean your improvised Gua Sha tool with warm water and gentle soap to remove any residue and prevent bacteria buildup.


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